STUDIO LON AS is an architectural practice based in Oslo. The studio is engaged in projects around Norway working with coastal, urban and rural sites. To define program organization, structure and space for a project, we focus on site-specific qualities and local tradition combined with clear geometries and articulated architectural elements.

Founding partner and manager Ane Sønderaal Tolfsen has her architectural education from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) and the University of Washington - CBE Architecture, Seattle. Ane has 8 years experience from Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Architects where she has worked extensively with small to medium scale housing, as well as projects in very challenging climate and various transformation projects. She authored the elective course “Architectural Detailing” at AHO, and has over the years taught several master studios: AHO Universals, Restore and Field Stations: Lightweight Architecture, been a visting diploma tutor and sensor. Ane is currently teaching “GK6 - By og Arkitektur, Offentlig Form” at AHO.

Founding partner Jens Herman Næss has his architectural education from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) and the Ecole Special d’Architecture, Paris. Jens has 10 years experience from Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Architects and Vigsnæs+Kosberg++ Architects AS. Jens has significant experience as a senior project manager and designer for medium to large scale projects. He has worked particularly with large-scale housing such as Wesselkvartalet - Asker, early-phase studies, urban development and transformation projects. He has also taught master studios and the “GK6 - By og Arkitektur” studio at the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape at AHO.

Selected clients/references

Øgreid Eiendom, Tvedestranda Eiendom AS, Tandberg Eiendom AS, Bonum AS, Vippa AS, Bærum Håndtverkersenter AS, Villasnekkeriet AS, Grendebygg AS, Löwenstein Tømrer AS, Sameiet Sexes gate 5 + other private clients in Norway and Denmark



Ane Sønderaal Tolfsen
Architect MNAL / partner / manager
+47 98894760

Jens Herman Næss
Architect MNAL / owner

We do

…architecture at all scales! We do new construction and transformation projects. We do zoning plans, Architectural Due-Dilligence reports, feasibilty studies and early-phase (tidligfase). We work closely with materials, climate and detailing.

We work with all phases of a project: Schematic designs/sketch projects, programming, application work, preliminary designs, detail phase/construction documents, spec sheets and oversees construction phase.

We have special interest and competence in designing housing and hybrid programs, as well as urban development and ground floor activation. We appreciate close contact with our clients and consultants!

Sentral godkjenning

Prosjektering av Arkitektur i tiltaksklasse 3, Søker (alle type tiltak) i tiltaksklasse 2

Collaborators past and present

Arkitekt Ingrid Mathilde Steen-Chabert, Kastler Skjeseth Architects, Vatn Architecture, Einar Jarmund & Co Arkitekter

Louis Gervais, Sigrid Nessøe Nordmoen, Vilja Sæther, Trym Tafjord Langeggen, Trygve Aune Tveita, Frida McIntosh, Ingrid Dale, Marius Falkenberg Erikstad, Helene Aamlid, Torunn Stjern, Malie Robb


Norske arkitekters landsforbund (NAL) and Arkitektbedriftene. STUDIO LON AS have signed the declaration  “Norway Architects Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency”.


STUDIO LON er et arkitektkontor i Gamlebyen i Oslo. Vi jobber med arkitektur i stor og liten skala. Vi tegner, regner, former og søker frem gode løsninger for by, bygg, sted, hjem og bolig basert på bred kompetanse og tett byggherrekontakt.